
On this page we shall share information about current initiatives that we are involved with.


Southside Connections

In 2024 we were awarded funding by Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council (EVOC) through their Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund to delivery four weekly group sessions for a one year period, with the intention of addressing loneliness and isolation.

The four sessions per week are two sessions for those aged sixty plus around conversation and activities, and two weekly sessions around gardening.


Resilient Renters

A new initiative funded by the Safe Deposits Scotland Charitable Trust that will be launching in Autumn 2024. This initiative will deliver weekly sessions which those who rent in the private rented sector will be able to hear about their rights and responsibilities as a tenant. Click here for more information.


Smartphone Photography for Positive Mental Wellbeing

Thanks to funding from the Edinburgh Thrive Arts: Small Grants Programme we’ll be delivering ten workshops during October 2024 around using smartphones for positive mental wellbeing, and although we ourselves at Southside based, participants can be from groups anywhere in the city.

Participants will be supported to develop an understanding of how photography can be a useful tool to support positive mental wellbeing, followed by time to take photographs in & around our community centre, exploring the theme of ‘In/Visible’. Our photographer shall provide advice and practical support on taking great images.

The ‘In/Visible’ theme is a chance to explore what it means to be ‘visible’ or ‘invisible’ when we think about our mental health. Which aspects of our mental health we keep hidden and which we feel able to share for example.


Southside Art Group

For many years the Southside Art Group was managed and delivered by City of Edinburgh Council. However, this group has now transferred to Southside Community Centre Association SCIO. The group involves around twelve woman who come together for social art sessions, with the women working on individual projects in various mediums.